Headshot of Xinya Du
  • Xinya Du

  • Assistant Professor of Computer Science
  • University of Texas at Dallas
  • Email: xinya.du AT utdallas.edu / xd75 AT cornell.edu
  • Office: ECSS 3.227
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I am Xinya Du, a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the UT Dallas. My research focuses on in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language and Vision-Language Models (LLMs/VLMs), and Machine Learning (ML). I earned Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Cornell University. After, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

My work are published in leading NLP and ML conferences, and has been covered by Major Media and included in the list of Most Influential ACL Papers. I was named a Spotlight Rising Star in Data Science. I received the Amazon Research Award, Cisco Research Award, and 2024 NSF CAREER Award.

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Research Interests (Publications)

I enjoy exploring/building things that are novel and impactful (in research and life). My current research focuses on developing intelligent agents that can acquire, discover, and self-improve from new knowledge, while being trustworthy, explainable, and aligned with human values.