If you are looking for a thesis advisor, feel free to email me.
PhD Applicants:
I am looking for highly self-motivated PhD students with funding support.
If you are interested in working with me, please apply to the UTD CS PhD program and list me as a potential advisor. Feel free to send me an email after applying: xinya.du@utdallas.edu (with title: [Prospective PhD Student - Spring 2024 or Fall 2024]) including:
Your CV/Resume
Your transcript (both undergrad and higher)
Your representative work (e.g., publication, thesis, research project and repo)
A description of your research interests, and future career plan (Optional).
We accept applications with flexible deadlines, the program starting date includes both Spring 2024 and Fall 2024. Please refer to here for general application information from the CS deparment (no strict requirement on GRE scores). Please mention my name in your statement.
Master or Undergrad Intern Students (in or outside UTD):